Stifte und Orden in Neckarsulm / Adalbert EhrenfriedPublication: [S.l.] : s.ed., 1974]Description: [2], 180 p. :
ill. ;
25 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ 30 N 89]
Neuere kirchliche Bewegungen Anfrage an die Orden / Leonhard LehmannPublication: [Köln] : Ordens-Korrespondenz, 1988Description: pp. 146-166 ;
23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ OPUSC 73 1269]
Relazione sul quarto anno di attività dell'Ufficio Permanente «Fraternità per Sacerdoti e Religiosi» / Teobaldo De FilippoPublication: [S.l.] : s.ed., 1979]Description: pp. 36-43 ;
21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ OPUSC 72 676]
Des réfugiés en Espagne : les religieux français et les decrets du 29 mars 1880 / par Jean Marie DelaunayPublication: Paris : Diffusion de Boccard, 1981Description: pp. [291]-319 ;
24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ OPUSC 73 1217]
Il voto di povertà religiosa e le assicurazioni sociali / Giuseppe Di MattiaPublication: Romae : Monitor Ecclesiasticus, 1985Description: pp. [194]-218 ;
23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ OPUSC 73 1193]
Religiosi in Diocesi di Como (secc. XI-XVIII) / autori vari ; a cura di A. Caprioli, A. Rimoldi, L. VaccaroPublication: [Brescia] : Ed. La Scuola, [19--]Description: pp. [169]-189 ;
22 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ OPUSC 72 643]
Decreto sobre la adecuada renovación de la vida religiosa (Perfectae Caritatis) / Mariano Gutiérrez SalazarPublication: Caracas : Ediciones Tripode, [19--]Description: 31 p. ;
21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ OPUSC 72 621]
Il dialogo soprannaturale àncora di salvezza degli istituti religiosi : un messaggio di Speranza e di Vita / p. Federico Cappuccino, Umberto CarozzaPublication: Foggia : Litografia Leone, [1972]Description: [4], 74 p. ;
13 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ OPUSC 70 32]
Sie lebten Jesu Botschaft neu : die groáen Ordensgründer / Walter Nigg (Hg.)Publication: Mainz : Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag, 1981Description: 128 p. ;
18 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ 112 D 46]
Glanz und Ende der alten Klöster : Säkularisation im bayerischen Oberland 1803 / herausgegeben von Josef Kirmeier und Manfred Treml ; unter Mitarbeit von Evamaria BrockhoffPublication: München : Süddeutscher Verlag, 1991Description: 374, [2] p. :
ill. ;
30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ 14 G 52]
De Sint-Truidense kloosters : tot aan hun opheffing op het einde van de 18de eeuw. Tentoonstelling. CatalogusPublication: Sint-Truiden : [s.ed.], 1963Description: 78, [2] p. ;
24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ 25 bis H 87]
Lacordaire : son pays, ses amis et la liberté des Ordres Religieux / sous la direction de Guy BedouellePublication: Paris : Les Éditions du Cerf, 1991Description: 443, [4] p. :
Ant.ritr. ;
23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ 25 bis G 29]
Les grands Ordres Religieux : hier et aujourd'hui / Claire LesegretainPublication: [Paris] : Fayard, 1990Description: 457, [4] p. ;
23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ 59 F 77]
Mönchsväter und Ordensgründer : Männer und Frauen in der Nachfolge Jesu / Josef Weismayer (Hrsg.)Publication: Würzburg : Echter, 1991Description: 391 p. :
ill. ;
23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ 61 F 96]
La consacrazione oggi / Robert Faricy ; traduzione di Margaret BrambillaPublication: Milano : Editrice Ancora, 1979Description: 131 p. ;
19 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ 19 C 70]
La vita consacrata : le varie forme dalle origini fino ad oggi / Alfredo López Amat ; traduzione italiana di Edoardo MartinelliPublication: Roma : Città Nuova Editrice, 1991Description: 759 p. ;
21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Centrale Cappuccini[ 19 N 50]
Priestly Defections in Our Order in the Last Ten Years (1966-1975) : Reflections on the Causes and MotivationsPublication: [S.l.] : s.ed., 1976]Description: [2], 39 p. ;
29 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ OPUSC 74 173]
Religiosi e chiesa locale : riflessioni sociologiche / Giuseppe ScarvaglieriPublication: Milano : Ancora, 1986Description: pp. [146]-256 ;
23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ OPUSC 73 1033]
Vitalità socio-demografica degli Istituti religiosi oggi / Giuseppe ScarvaglieriPublication: Milano : Ancora, 1987Description: pp. [157]-168 ;
23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ OPUSC 73 1032]
Der Säkularklerus und die religisen Orden (Kongregationen) Österreichs in zahlenmäáiger Darstellung / von Josef GurtnerPublication: Wien, Klosterneuburg : Augustinus-Druckerei, 1934Description: 44 p. ;
23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [ OPUSC 73 1017]